Συχνές Ερωτήσεις2022-10-10T09:58:19+00:00

What is school mediation?

It is a process through which conflicts, arguments, tensions and annoyances between students are sought to be resolved in a peaceful way, with the assistance of trained teachers and student mediators who help to ensure that those involved listen carefully and understand each other. . The aim is to reach an agreement so that aggressive or offensive behavior does not repeat itself in the future.

How was the practice of school mediation established?

School mediation started in America and Canada, in the 90s, based on the theory of restorative justice and conflict resolution techniques with the participation of those involved. In Greece, related applications started in schools in the first decade of the 21st century.

Who conducts the mediation?

The teachers of the school are responsible, who initially receive and examine the request of the interested – involved students. Students who have been specially trained for this role are then mediated, who listen carefully to both parties and seek to reach an agreement between them.

Is school mediation officially allowed?

Although it is not included in the foreseen disciplinary measures imposed on students (in accordance with Presidential Decree 104/79), the Ministry of Education, following a recommendation by the Children’s Advocate, issued a circular (18890/C2 2011) on the issues of prevention and dealing with violence between students, which includes reference to the possibility of creating groups of student mediators by teachers.

Can school mediation be implemented at all levels?

In secondary education, it is already implemented in several schools, high schools and high schools. In the primary school, the implementation framework is different and is mainly based on children in the older classes. It is suggested that it starts mainly among students of the same class and if there is success, it is attempted to be applied to children of younger classes as well.

Should there be a provision in the Regulations of each school?

It is advisable for the decision to operate school mediation in a school to have the consensus of the teachers’ association and the school community in general (teachers, parents and students). In this way, the application of this procedure to deal with incidents of violence or tensions between students is legitimized. If it is included in the School Regulations, it is even better!